ANC 1A plays a key role in the District government, formulating policies and recommendations that inform legislation and regulations from the Council of the District of Columbia and the executive branch, including the Mayor, and in limited instances, the operations of the judicial branch. ANC 1A may also advise and present its views to the Federal government.


Members of the Commission continually identify key issues or concerns and analyze their impact on our community. Commissioners conduct research to gather relevant data and information and engage with community members, community-based organizations, local businesses, and other stakeholders to understand diverse perspectives and formulate solutions.


Commissioners establish clear goals and objectives for addressing identified issues. We develop a range of policy options to achieve the set goals and consider each option’s feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and community impact. Prioritize policy options based on urgency, community needs, and available resources. Commissioners draft detailed policy proposals outlining recommended actions.

After workshopping an idea, a Commissioner will produce a resolution or official correspondence that memorializes the work done during analysis and strategy. In the case of an alcohol or cannabis-serving business, a negotiated agreement (Voluntary, Settlement, or Cooperative) may be introduced. In the event of a commercial or housing development project, a community benefit agreement may be introduced. The Commissioner introduces the measure by filing it with the Commission Secretary, allowing it to begin consideration by the Commission for further action.

A Commissioner may introduce emergency measures that may be allowed outside of regular order. These measures may be brought forward before or at a Public Meeting.

For more details on how other stakeholders can introduce a measure or bring business before the Commission, click here and see “How do I bring business before ANC 1A?”

Committee Work Sessions

Our committees take those recommended actions and further discuss and refine these policy proposals. We encourage and allow for public participation and input during these work sessions, which produce final recommendations for the full Commission to consider further and take action on. A pending measure may be referred to a committee(s) by the Chairperson, at the direction of the Commission, or the request of a Commissioner.

Learn more about our committees and their work here.

The Commission regularly sits as a Committee of the Whole, which includes all Commissioners. These meetings allow discussion of items requested to be placed on the agenda, often for final action, and serve as a forum to discuss commission-wide matters like the District’s budget, community programs, grant applications, and other topics. The Commission Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson chairs these meetings.

Deliberation and Final Action

The Commission regularly holds public meetings presided over by the Chairperson to discuss policy proposals, allowing community members to express their opinions and provide feedback. We have robust debate and deliberation to ensure a thorough examination of each policy proposal and make necessary amendments or revisions. We hold formal votes to decide on adopting specific policies through a roll call or voice vote. The Secretary then enrolls the measures for presentment to the Chairperson for enactment.

The Chairperson and Secretary must sign and certify all measures passed by the Commission. The Secretary transmits measures to the appropriate parties and monitors and evaluates the outcomes of policy recommendations.

Learn more about our monthly public meetings here and measures we have taken final action on here. Recorded meetings of our proceedings can be viewed here.