Commissioner Anthony Thomas-Davis (SMD 1A06)
Committee Members:
John Henderson (SMD 1A04)
Blakely Jarrett (SMD 1A04)
Dan Passon (SMD 1A05)
Priscilla Phelps (SMD 1A10)
Columbia Heights is a dynamic and culturally diverse neighborhood known for its rich cultural heritage, strong sense of community, and thriving local businesses and economy. The well-being and quality of life for residents in Columbia Heights are essential to its future, and the Commission is responsible for ensuring that public spaces, streetscapes, general services, and facilities meet the needs and expectations of our community. We believe that fostering public life and community vibrancy is a shared goal that requires a coordinated effort among government officials, community members, community organizations, and local businesses. The Special Committee on Public Life will accomplish this goal.
Read the Special Committee’s enabling resolution here.
For more information on the ongoing Public Life Study led by the DC Office of Planning, click here.
To access committee resource materials, click here.
For information on the Comprehensive Plan 2050 rewrite, click here.
The Special Committee on Public Life has the following objectives:
a. To identify and address challenges related to public life in Columbia Heights, including but not limited to the maintenance and improvement of public spaces, promotion of community events, and the overall enhancement of community engagement to improve the use of public space and facilities across the neighborhood.
b. To solicit input from community members, local businesses, and stakeholders to ensure that the Commission’s recommendations to the DC Office of Planning and other District agencies reflect the diverse needs and interests of our community.
c. To collaborate with relevant government agencies, community organizations, and local businesses to develop and implement strategies that will enhance the quality of life in Columbia Heights.
d. To provide periodic reports and recommendations to the Commission based on the findings and discussions of the Special Committee and to issue a final report to the Commission, who shall make that report publicly available.
To join the Special Committee email list, contact Commissioner Thomas-Davis at [email protected] or 202-855-8550. The email list is used for:
1. Periodic updates on the public life study and community planning news
2. Reminder and follow-up summary emails of committee meetings