We want to hear from you! Your voice matters in shaping the laws, policies, and regulations that guide Columbia Heights and the District. ANC 1A is committed to representing the needs and concerns of every resident in our community. We want to hear from you whether you have ideas, questions, or feedback! Join us in the conversation, and let’s work together to make Columbia Heights a better place for all. Reach out and share your thoughts.

If this concerns a constituent service request, please include any related 311 ticket numbers you have already submitted. Also, please include your street address along with your submission.

First Name / Primer Nombre*

Last Name / Apellido*

Email / Correo Electrónico *

Verify Email / Verificar Correo Electrónico *

Phone Number / Número de Teléfono

Street Address 1 / Dirección Domiciliaria 1

Street Address 2 / Dirección Domiciliaria 2

Zip Code / Código Postal

Purpose / Propósito*

Topic / Tema de Interés*

If you chose “Other,” please specify the topic or matter. / Si elige “Otro”, especifique el tema o asunto.

If for a specific matter, who would you like to contact? / Si es por un asunto específico, ¿a quién le gustaría contactar?: Find my Commissioner

Message / Mensaje *


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